Ad-hoc disclosure 25.06.2020
HAEMATO AG: The Supervisory Board and the Executive Board have agreed that Mr Uwe Zimdars will leave the Executive Board of HAEMATO AG on June 30, 2020.
Mr Zimdars is currently Executive Board Member of HAEMATO AG and Supervisory Board Member of M1 Kliniken AG. Due to the takeover of the shares in HAEMATO AG by M1 Klini-ken AG as of July 1, 2020, it is not possible to excercise both functions in parallel. Mr Zimdars chose the function of Supervisory Board Member at M1 Kliniken AG in order to be able to support both companies in the future.
The Supervisory Board of HAEMATO AG would like to thank Mr Zimdars for his successful engagement and the good cooperation.
HAEMATO AG, founded in 1993, is a pharmaceutical company focusing on the growing markets of high-priced specialty pharmaceuticals in the indication areas of oncology and HIV as well as other chronic diseases.
HAEMATO AG is listed in the Basic Board (Open Market) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Key figures on the HAEMATO AG share:
Subscribed capital: EUR 22,867,154
Listed class of shares: bearer ordinary shares
ISIN: DE000619070
WKN: 619070
Stock exchange code: HAE