Valuable Cargo

Specialised portfolio focused on chronic diseases

As a pharmaceutical manufacturer and wholesaler, HAEMATO helps to ensure that every patient benefits from the latest innovative therapies and treatment concepts, even if these are very expensive due to complex development and production processes. For HAEMATO, the focus is always on the patient.

We will be happy to answer any questions or specific concerns you may have.

Ordering Service Germany

Phone 030 / 677 9867 – 600
Fax 030 / 677 9867 – 707

Ordering Service Austria

Phone +49-30-677 98 67-650

over 700 different products within the portfolio

635.000 packages sold annually

Support on-site and by phone

Next-day delivery if ordered until 6pm

Easy online-order via MSV3/Dafü

You can find information on educational material for our products here.

HAEMATO covers chronic diseases as well as high-priced therapies in particular via a specialised portfolio.

The focus is on the five major therapeutic areas of HIV/AIDS, neurology, oncology, rheumatology and ophthalmology. These therapeutic areas are supplied with innovative, i.e. patent-protected drugs, as well as with biopharmaceutical drugs and generics. Furthermore, narcotic pharmaceuticals are also part of the portfolio, including cannabis products.

Patent-protected and generic Pharmaceuticals

Patent-protected and generic Pharmaceuticals

— A variety of pharmaceuticals from a single source

Innovative, patent-protected pharmaceuticals that offer real benefit, i.e. improved quality of life for patients are part of HAEMATO's product portfolio. Here HAEAMTO, as a pharmaceutical manufacturer and wholesaler, does not limit itself to its own manufacturing, but also offers pharmaceuticals from other manufacturers. Through a highly specialised portfolio of patent-protected medicines in the areas of HIV/AIDS, neurology, oncology, rheumatology and ophthalmology, HAEMATO is in a position to provide advice to pharmacies, wholesalers and clinics and to offer the possibility of supplying patients with patent-protected medicines from HAEMATO as a wholesaler.

Generic pharmaceuticals, which are marketed after patent protection has expired, are also part of HAEMATO's portfolio. Just as with patent-protected and biological pharmaceuticals, the focus is on the five major therapeutic areas.



— Complex biological pharmaceuticals for a better treatment

Biologicals, i.e. biological pharmaceutical products, are manufactured with the help of living cells and require a high degree of mechanisation and production expertise. The drugs are used in particular for the treatment of cancer or rheumatism. HAEMATO's product portfolio includes the most important biosimilars and original biological drugs used in such therapies and can always supply the correct product, even if a patient is switched to another biosimilar by the doctor.

Discount Agreement

Discount Agreements

— Highest quality at a favourable price

Within the focus therapeutic areas, HAEMATO offers a wide range of products and negotiates discount agreements with the statutory health insurance funds in Germany.

Statutory health insurance funds in Germany issue discount contracts in order to relieve their health insurance budget. This saved almost five billion euros in 2020. The pharmaceutical manufacturer bears these costs by having to grant discounts to the health insurance funds on the dispensed pharmaceuticals.

By an amendment to the law in 2007, pharmacies were additionally obliged to dispense discounted pharmaceutical products, unless a preparation exchange is ruled out by the doctor. The manufacturer's discounted preparations must then preferably be dispensed to the insured of the health insurance company.

narcotic pharmaceuticals

Narcotic pharmaceuticals

— Safe products in a complex market

With HAEMATO already having received permission to import and trade narcotic substances in 2019 and the distribution of narcotic substances and cannabis products having started in 2020, narcotics is an area in which HAEMATO's product portfolio will continue to develop. In particular, the growing cannabis market is already being supplied by HAEMATO with a broadly diversified portfolio.

It is extremely difficult to acquire an import and trade permit in the field of narcotics, as very high safety requirements and quality specifications have to be met. HAEMATO is therefore a major player in this business area.

„We supply pharmacies, wholesalers and clinics throughout Germany and Austria on a daily basis“

We are here for you.

Ordering Service Germany

Phone 030 / 677 9867 – 600
Fax 030 / 677 9867 – 707

Ordering Service Austria

Phone +49-30-677 98 67-650


PoC Testing Devices, Antigen Rapid Tests, FFP2 Masks


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